Dr. Kyjuan H. Brown successfully completed the Bauman Certified HairCoachMD™ Training Program, which educates medical professionals on how to detect and monitor male and female pattern hair loss, perform hair re-growth treatments, as well as provide patients with actionable information and effective preventative treatment options.

Since early detection is key to stopping male and female pattern hair loss in its tracks, doctors are often the first line of defense for many men and women. NorthShore Medical & Aestetics Center (NMAC)is proud to announce it is the first medical practice in Bermuda to complete a national training program for early hair loss detection and preventative treatment counseling. Dr. Brown, Medical Director of NMAC recently traveled to Boca Raton, Florida to complete the Bauman Certified HairCoachMD Training Program, led by renowned hair loss pioneer Doctor Alan J. Bauman.

"The certification program provided me the information and proven treatment protocols needed to better serve my patients," said Dr. K. H. Brown. While it may seem obvious to some people how to detect hair loss, you actually have to spot it well before it becomes visible to the naked eye. What patients don't know is when hair loss becomes visible you would have already lost 50% of your hair volume, making it harder to reverse the process. My staff and I personally underwent training with a new scientific tool called HairCheck that will allow us to track our patients' hair growth and spot problems well before they become noticeable. We also received in-depth information on the latest medical treatments for hair loss, which we'll now be able to share with both new and existing patients in Bermuda."